To add to our collection of paper models we have just released a brown leather chair to complement our brown leather sofa.
This model is of a brown leather and is a must have for anybody who likes their desktop paper toys. Download the flag cushions to accompany the arm chair and leather sofa. Available to download for free are a number of different bar fridges, TV and cabinet, coffee table and many more models to kit out your desk.
Just download and print off our plans on normal printer paper. We provide .pdf versions and a .jpg versions. The .pdf should give you much better quality, but it's a bigger download.
The Leather chair plans fit onto three pages of A4 paper.
Download .pdf version (all pages).If you are happy with your new desktop toy then please send us a photo of it sitting on your desk as we would love to see how they turn out. You can contact us via Twitter or by using this form.
If you would like the air race coin op machine and bar stool to go with your sofa then it is still available by following this link or if you would like the Pinball Table follow this link. You will need to download the larger size for them to be the same scale as the sofa.
If you have not already got your arm chair you can download it from here.
And if you have not got your flag cushions to go with the sofa and chair supporting your teams name and flag you can download it from here.
Also there is our World Cup Flash Game that you can play here.